Adventures with Beccca
You see, life in a dorm can get kind of dull. And sometimes you have to do something to keep things exciting. Let's just say last night I was having one of those times. It was that time of day when I am in my pajamas but it still won't be a decent bedtime for at least two more hours, so I am required to stay awake. I got all my homework finished, my roommate was gone and had been gone for awhile, and I had been sitting for way too long. You know the feeling -- it's like you need to go actually do something because you've started to feel like one of the humans on Wall-E. There was no one to talk to, and no one to hang out with. I wanted to go outside, but I was already in my pajamas... this left me in quite the predicament. Therefore, I decided (for obvious reasons) to turn off all the lights, shut the door, throw a blanket over my head, and walk around my room exploring in complete darkness. Because what else was I supposed to do? ...