A B O U T ~ M E
My name is Beccca Brander and I was born in Polson, MT in the summer of 1997. I lived in a trailer house for nine years on the side of a mountain with my mom, dad, sister, various cats and dogs, some goldfish, a goose, chickens, that one random salamander, and our two goats. Our goats liked to sit on the couch when we weren't home.
We eventually moved to the bigger town of Kalispell, MT and lived in a number of houses and apartments in that area. During this time, my sister moved out, my parents split up, and I learned how to speak Pig-Latin. The latter fact being of the least importance, yet still very vital information regarding the development of my personality.
It was in the midst of all these struggles and changes in my life that God became more real and personal to me. This growing relationship with the Creator of the universe began to shape how I thought and lived. You see, the more I get to know Him and follow His leading, the more I develop a heart for the lost people in this world and a peace that surpasses all understanding.
During the 2016-2017 school year I completed the Pack Your Bags program at Trinity Bible College which was a life changing opportunity. I went on missions trips to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, one to Chicago and Milwaukee, and one in South Africa for six weeks. I also had the opportunity to go on a historical trip to Israel.
After this, I got an AA degree in Ministry Leadership from Canvas School of Ministry in Kalispell, Montana — closer to family, friends, mountains, and my heart. While I was in school in my hometown, my mother was diagnosed with CNS Lymphoma (a rare form of cancer). Her health deteriorated quickly, and my life changed drastically. After a series of holidays spent in hospital rooms (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter), my mother’s health stabilized. She was able to move into nursing home and begin physical therapy. The cancer left her partially paralyzed, but she’s alive. And that’s more than anyone expected.
Right now, I am working towards a BA in Intercultural Studies with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies back at Trinity Bible College. I spent six months overseas in the Middle East in 2020. I’m taking classes on things I’m passionate about and receiving valuable training for my future.
I am ultimately seeking to move toward a future as a full-time missionary in a foreign country. I do not know every detail regarding how that will turn out or how I will get to that point, but I do know that God is guiding my every step — and that is all the information I need.
I believe in imagination and seizing opportunities, hence I shall employ such philosophies.
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