Adventure Is a Decision

Life can be repetitive and seem dull, but the power to break out of routine and see everything differently is all inside. Adventure is out there, but it’s also right in each day. I believe in imagination and seizing opportunities, hence I shall employ such philosophies. ~***~ “Adventure is a decision,” I thought to myself. I looked down at my toes, inching their way across the decaying log that seemed so halfheartedly strewn across that deep gap – as if nature forgot to care about the safety of lionhearted hikers such as I. In front of me stood my adventure partner and the very rock that was my goal. We had dared to cross the unconventional log-bridge over the daunting crevasse betwixt our newfound prospects of adventure. The world was green, the color of good memories. And from giant rock to giant rock, I was determined to be bold. But really, things such as boldness are only a matter of opinion anyway. In reality, or...