Getting a Passport

"Stanton Lake" by Becca Brander Sometimes it feels as if I have eight hundred trillion and twelve things on my to-do list, and only fourteen seconds to get them done. But, then I realize I'm exaggerating and there's only like twenty-something things to do and I have two months or so. Which can still be overwhelming, but it's a lot less daunting than eight hundred trillion and twelve. The other day, I decided to finish getting my passport -- because it seems like a good idea to have a passport when I'm planning on traveling to Africa and such this next year. You see, I had already filled out my passport application and gone to the courthouse, but the lady and her desk informed me that my birth certificate was not chill and my driver's license was an insufficient photo ID. So I grabbed my better birth certificate, and (because I do not have any other photo ID) headed back to the courthouse a couple days later to figure this thing ou...