Being Home

a few things I love
    I've been home for a couple months now, and I love it. I loved being at school and I've loved being at home. The thing is, I just love being where God takes me. God is equally at work in my life and in this next season as He was when He took me to the other side of the world. 
    It's nice to see mountains and sunshine. It is nice to hear the river as I sleep in my hammock outside every night. And in an odd way, it's a little bit comforting to live somewhere where people shoot fireworks at each other frantically on the Fourth of July.

    I miss my friends -- and sometimes it's weird to go from being with so many people all the time to trying to find someone who will even hang out. But at the same time, I've made new friends (including two hermit crabs, Ripsnorter and Archie), and I've been able to get really involved in my church and with different areas of ministry.
    Sometimes I worry about paying for school, but I know deep down that God will provide yet again. He is the one leading me after all.

So I guess my conclusion is as it has always been (and will always be): It is good to be in the will of God.

It's good to see my family, it's good to light candles, it's good to go fishing, and last (but certainly not least), it's good to be in the same time zone as Jaren.


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