Serve Our City 2016

84th Street
    The 15th of this month was an event called Serve Our City. All classes were canceled, and the day was to be spent working on projects to help people and businesses all around Ellendale.
    Three of us girls were given the opportunity to serve a woman named Margie by pulling weeds and doing yard work. We were handed a small piece of paper with a brief description of the job and the address we were to go to: A trailer on 84th Street North.
    Now, 84 is a lot of Streets for a small town, and we soon discovered that walking was not going to work, and hopped in the car.

   -- I don't know if we were suspicious of the reality of this address since the first time we typed it into the GPS, or if it was when we had to go through a different town to get there -- but I do know that our curiosity was affirmed when the robotic "in 100 feet, turn left onto 84th Street North" took us to some grass-covered tire tracks along a giant corn field in The Middle of Nowhere North Dakota.

    It was an adventure for sure, and I loved it. I mean, that is sort of what I came here for, isn't it?
    We called the kind woman from the piece of paper we were handed, and she gave us a better explanation of how to get to her house. She said she would rather we get there within five minutes so she can tell us what to do before she leaves for work. The problem being: we were twenty minutes away at this point.
    Notwithstanding our driver's insistent and relentless speeding (I did eventually get her to slow down), we arrived at an empty trailer house occupied only by a small dog watching TV, and no instruction as to what her yard was needing to work on.
    We drove ourselves back to the school and greeted the event supervisor with an animated explanation of our journey and a helpless plea for assistance.
    He kindly called the woman, and we were told to return to her trailer house promptly -- where she would meet us and explain what our day's work was to entail. From that point on, things were much simpler and easily done. Featuring only one snake and one bee sting overall.
    It feels good to help people, and this time we were given a funny memory to go along with it. We are constantly given ways to go out, serve, and be the light of the world. It's been a blessing to be here.


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