A Miracle
The doctor casually walked into the room, sat in a chair, and looked at my mom.
“So, your scan looked pretty good.” He said without much thought.
“Your scan. The MRI. It looked pretty good. I was actually pleased with how it turned out.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know how there were all those spots and stuff in your brain? Like, they’re almost gone now. Barely even visible.” He explained. The lack of emotion in his demeanor was so incredibly unsettling that none of us thought we were hearing him right.
“So, your scan looked pretty good.” He said without much thought.
“Your scan. The MRI. It looked pretty good. I was actually pleased with how it turned out.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know how there were all those spots and stuff in your brain? Like, they’re almost gone now. Barely even visible.” He explained. The lack of emotion in his demeanor was so incredibly unsettling that none of us thought we were hearing him right.

What does this mean? None of us know. But something has helped my mom improve substantially and (at this point) the cancer has pretty much stopped progressing entirely. The doctor said it’s not a permanent fix — cancer will be back eventually. He said he didn’t know if that would be a month or a couple years. He said she probably has a lot of permanent damage and may never be able to move her left side or improve much more than she has. But, he has said a lot of things over these past few months. Some of them have been true and some of them haven’t. He had absolutely no clue she would improve as much as she has — but God did. God knew. I don’t know what God’s plan is for my mother’s life, but I trust Him. I feel so blessed to know I get more time on earth with my beautiful mom.
Please continue to pray for God’s hand in this whole situation. For more healing in my mom and for guidance in all of us as we decide what the next steps are in caring for this beautiful woman of God.
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