What Next?

So now what? Now that I have completed Pack Your Bags, what am I going to do with my life? I mean, PYB was my ONE BIG ADVENTURE, right? What even is there to live for anymore? Well, God is always taking me on new adventures. In a couple weeks, I will start school with Canvas School of Ministry here in the Flathead Valley through Northwest University which is based in Kirkland, WA. Basically, I get to earn a degree (Ministry Leadership) and actually be able to pay for it as well as get ministry experience and connections as I go. These connections will set me up for an incredible start on the mission field when the time comes. I have been attending Canvas Church (formerly Kalispell Christian Center) for 14 years of my life. While I was at Trinity Bible College, I was able attend Montana Youth Conference as a Representative of my school. While I was there, I was given the job of guarding a door that happened to be near two men who were...